Legacy Care Management, LLC

Our mission is to provide the highest quality of service to our clients and families who are dealing with the complex process of aging.

We are a 24 hour, 7 day a week concierge service providing interventions, coordination of services, in-home monitoring of caregivers and planning for long and/or short term care.

We serve as a liaison for the family with the healthcare providers during a medical crisis and routine visits.

Legacy Care Management, LLC provides education and advocacy for the client and family.

Our services are individualized based on the need of the client.

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Service Area

Richland, Lexington, Newberry, and Kershaw Counties.

Contact Us

D. Gale Bostick, LBSW, M.Ed., ACM-SW
Legacy Care Management, LLC

(803) 466-3853

6326 St. Andrews Road #206
Irmo, SC 29063