Susan Didriksen

Offering offer highly personalized fiduciary services including trust administration, conservator of estate, conservator of person and receivership. Additionally, we are Accredited Investment Fiduciaries® which means we focus on unbiased investment management.

Our extensive professional experience includes financial and investment management positions at Fortune 500 and 1000 firms and global investment banks. We have substantial experience in financial planning, investment management, asset supervision, mechanisms to shift wealth within families, and the use of domestic and international trusts. We also have extensive experience in the formation of business entities (including domestic and international joint ventures), financial structuring, mergers and acquisitions, asset protection and business planning.

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Service Area

Proudly serving the Sacramento Area, San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California, and Central California

Contact Us

Susan Didriksen
Northern California Fiduciary Services

Phone: (530) 864-5859

PO Box 1460 Shingle Springs, CA 95682


About Susan

Susan Didriksen, Accredited Investment Fiduciary® and National Certified Guardian, is a professional private trustee and fiduciary. She brings over 15 years of financial and accounting experience including positions with JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs in operations and fixed income capital markets; treasury, financial planning and analysis roles for Case Corporation and Whirlpool, and a divisional CFO position for Teledyne Technologies. Additionally, she has provided management oversight for GenCorp's $1.3 billion pension fund and sat on the company's Benefits Management Committee. In these roles, Susan has overseen numerous acquisition integrations, presented capital expansion projects and business valuations to Fortune 1000 and 500 boards of directors and prepared and delivered investor presentations.

Susan has been an investor in California and Midwestern real estate over the past 10 years, actively owning and managing over 40 units.

Susan graduated Magna Cum Laude from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service with a degree in Economics and earned the Phi Beta Kappa designation. She also holds an MBA from Georgetown's McDonough School of Business, where she received the Andersen Consulting academic scholarship and completed the honors program in International Business.

She is currently an adjunct professor of Accounting at Folsom Lake College with specialties in Intermediate Accounting, Auditing and Cost Accounting. She also teaches Finance for University of Phoenix and for Ashford University.

Susan has sat on the board of Linkage to Education, a Sacramento non-profit providing educational opportunities for local foster youth and is active in her parish, Holy Trinity of El Dorado Hills. She currently serves as Treasurer of the Sacramento Valley Bankruptcy Forum.